Clearly, I am in no position as any kind of spokesperson.  But as a parent and an aware human being, I am affected by the events last week in an elementary school in CT.  I have nothing to say about the security of Peabody schools.  That is someone else's place and area of expertise.  But doesn't it put into contrast- stark contrast- the difference between the way we want life to be and the realities of the world around us?  I cannot comment on those children's lives because it is too depressing- hits too close to home- to even look at their pictures, let alone learn about them.  But what we are working for, what we want for all of the children at Welch School is a place of innocence.  A place to play, to pretend, to imagine, to learn about each other.  I'm proud of the diversity of the Welch School community and happy my child is immersed in it.

And so, in the spirit of that diversity, I ask that whatever faith you are a part of, even if it is no faith at all, or a faith outside of organized religion, you send your best prayers, meditations, thoughts, whatever, toward the safety and innocence of the kids at Welch this holiday season.  Whatever you celebrate,  give a thought to the place our children spend their days.  And we hope you will cherish your friends, family, and community this holiday season.

Oh, and with that in mind- no meeting this month.  See you in January