Just wanted to say hi and then we can get on with getting some playground built.

My name is Rob and I have a kid at Welch School.  I like to spend time outdoors, at the beach, in the various state parks around the area, etc.  My favorite thing, the passion of my life, other than my family, is cycling.  Mountain biking, mostly.

I grew up north of Pittsburgh, PA, and went to college there, then moved to MA in 1994.  I'm not sure, but I think that makes me a New Englander pretty soon.  I moved up here to attend seminary.  Yeah, that's graduate school for preachers.  I did that for awhile, but I'm not right now.

This is a rather hard thing to write, actually, because you're here to learn about getting a playground built for our kids.  Who cares about me?  Nobody, and that's how it should be.  It's also how it will be, after this first post.

To finish, let me just list a few of my biases, so that you'll know what to expect from me.  I hate litter.  I think it's lazy and disrespectful- not to others, necessarily, but to the person doing it.  Like fouling your own nest.  Also, I don't have much patience for process- I always want to get things done now.  While the intelligent part of my brain (such as it is) knows this is how it has to be, don't be surprised if what you read from me comes across as a little dramatic sometimes.

And... that's all you need to know about me.  I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog posts.

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